On These Rough, Weird, Trying Times


My friends, we’re currently inching through some very difficult transits, as you may have noticed by the restlessness in your bones and the frustration in your heart, or by the devastating loss and destruction occurring around us.

Mars, a planet that just wants to DO THE THING, is retrograde in Aries and is running into its second collision with Saturn in Capricorn, who is stationing direct tomorrow (9/29). Both planets are classified as malefics—both introduce extremes. Mars brings excessive heat and dryness, Saturn brings excessive coldness and dryness. Two planetary extremes facing off with each other in such a harsh way make it difficult to feel any sense of comfort or stability during this time. We’re all enduring one way or any other. What we get with this combination is a ton of frustration. Some of us have ideas we want to advance, but we’ll likely keep running into roadblocks or delays. A lot of us are feeling this inner frustration and rage thinking, “what CAN I do?” mixed with lethargy and lack of motivation, which can lead to self-defeating thoughts. 

I invite you into some stillness. Take a moment to drink in a deep, deep breath if you’re still with me. Release it along with tension held in your shoulders & back. Release any holding in your belly & straighten your spine (if you are able). 

This is always available for you. During these times, all we can do is come back to center. Sit with the pause that Mars and Saturn are also sitting in. Feel what comes up and let it be there. It’s uncomfortable, it’s itchy, I know. But in these last 3 months, we’re invited to do a lot of inner work before we exit this threshold & enter the next. Now is not the time to ignore what’s surfacing. This is happening FOR you to work through, remember that. 

Allow Mars retrograde to do work on the Aries part of your life. Think of Mars as a Master Strategist planning to renovate that area of life (which house does Aries occupy in your chart?). It needs time and space to plan and execute, plus it’s already under a ton of pressure w/ Saturn keeping a critical eye on everything it’s doing! 

I guess this is a reminder to abolish your inner cop. Cut yourself some fucking SLACK! These are unprecedented times & even if your house isn’t burning and even if you still have a job and even if everything around you ~seems~ OK, you’re still experiencing these transits and it probably still hurts in some way/shape/form so honor that!! Make space for it. It’s hard enough out here we don’t need to be mean to ourselves on top of it! 

I love you & I invite you to say that to yourself next time you see your beautiful face in a mirror. 

We’re gonna make it through this.

PS If you’re a US Citizen, I also invite you to check your voter registration at https://www.vote.org/ and apply for your mail-in ballot if you cannot vote in person. If you can vote in person, I implore you to do so, and do it early if your state allows. If you cannot, it would be best to drop off your ballot. If you have to mail your ballot, please do so as soon as possible, before Mercury goes retrograde on October 13th.


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