Scorpio New Moon | 11.7.18


Scorpio New Moon + Major Shifts

Here we are, in the center of an important transformative portal. Move slowly this week, and pay close attention to what comes up for you at this time. We’re shifting, we’re shedding, and we’re growing.

Yesterday, on November 6th, we entered an energetic portal as Uranus retrograde moved back into Aries, the sign he left on May 15, 2018. Uranus was in Aries from 2011 until 5/15/18, so he is no stranger in this land. However, we haven’t felt his presence for 6 months, and the shift was palpable. Actually, within 30 minutes of Uranus shifting back into Aries, and the nodes shifting as well (which I’ll get into below) I was waiting for a bus and almost fainted. Tunnel vision, tingling limbs, intense nausea, sweats and chills, couldn’t stand up straight. Yeah. I really felt the wave of new energy, and I’ve felt differently since.

Uranus is about how we differentiate ourselves. It’s about our authentic expression of self and in Aries, focuses on revolutionizing the self. How do you create a life that’s authentically you? This is a lesson we’ve all been learning for the past 7 years with Uranus in Aries. With this shift back in Aries, we’re finishing up this cosmic course. Something was left behind, set to the side in order to begin our Uranus in Taurus journey of revolutionizing our self worth (and our wallets). Uranus’s method of liberation is to break apart, destabilize, and/or electrocute or ⚡️ ZAPP ⚡️ us into change. It comes suddenly and unexpectedly. The cracks that remain offer us room to grow and expand. Uranus will remain in Aries until March 6th, when he enters Taurus for a full 7 year tenure, not to return to Aries again for 84 years! Until then, we get the opportunity to allow Uranus to change our lives once more, to finish up where he left off, freeing us from restrictions and liberating us for the better.

The Nodal Axis also had a major shift yesterday. The nodes of the moon represent our individual and collective destiny and karma. These are the points where eclipses take place, where the Sun, Moon, and Earth meet on the same plane. Since May 2017, the nodes have been in Leo & Aquarius, an axis having to do with the desires of those in power and the needs of the collective, creation and group efforts, leadership & humanitarian efforts. The Great American Eclipse on August 21st, 2017 was the most powerful of this series as it cast a shadow across the middle of the United States, effectively drawing a line between north and south, solidifying the divisions we have in the country. On November 6th, we shifted again, this time into Cancer & Capricorn, which is a polarity very prominent in the United States birthchart, but I won’t get too into that. Collectively and individually, are being drawn toward Cancer energy now - nurturing ourselves & others, taking care of and listening to our bodies, caring for our children, mother and grandmother medicine. We’re being asked to release in Capricorn - industry, business, government, structures. Eclipses in these two signs over the next year and a half will make these themes fairly obvious to all.

And today, this morning, the Moon has her monthly meeting with the Sun, where she goes into herself and emerges brand new. This time, in Scorpio, which we only get once a year. This beautiful renewal is deeply transformative, as we’re in the medicine of the serpent, shedding, releasing, preparing for an energetic death in Scorpio season before the shift at the Solstice. The Scorpio New Moon reminds us that we all have the power of rebirth. We can all embody the Phoenix, going through the cycle of life - death - life, and coming out renewed, ready to start again. To take full advantage of this new moon, take a look at your birth chart and see what house Scorpio rules in your chart. For example, I’m a Pisces rising, so Scorpio rules my 9th house. I’ll be setting intentions around the themes of that house. If you’re in NYC, you can join me for an intention setting ceremony tonight (11/7) at Earth Arts Center!

Tomorrow, Thursday November 8th, we enter yet another shift! Jupiter returns to his home sign of Sagittarius after a 12 year journey around the zodiac. What a blessed reunion! I’ll discuss this more in another post, because there’s a lot to cover. But look forward to this shift. With Jupiter in Sag, bigger is better, everything is extra, and we’re all asked to get up onto our proverbial soapboxes and share our truth.

While we’re shifting this week, take extra care of yourself, your body, your nervous system. Take it easy, as these energies are no joke (legit, I almost passed out!). Listen to what’s calling you and take heed.

Lots of love,


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