Taurus New Moon | 5.15.18


On Tuesday, we shifted. It was a busy day in the sky. We had a Taurus New Moon occur early Tuesday morning, Uranus entering Taurus for the first time in 84 years, and Mars shifting into Aquarius for the first time in 2 years, having a not-so-friendly conversation with Uranus. Let’s talk about all of this.

The Taurus New Moon occured Tuesday morning at 7:48am. A New Moon is when the Sun and Moon unite, forming an exact alignment in the sky. We get one new moon a month, and each sign gets one a year. This Taurus New Moon is a biggie because of the other astrological events taking place around it. Regardless, new moons hold powerful energy around renewal, new beginnings, and seed planting. A New Moon in Taurus asks us to set intentions around our values, our income, assets, beauty, and self worth. We all have Taurus energy somewhere in our lives, and our birth charts will let us know where. Whatever the way Taurus flows for you, it brings stability, grounding, sensuality, steadiness, rooting, and pleasure. It’s the area of life that you move a little slower in, that you take your time with, where you plant your roots to cultivate and grow. The energy is fixed and fertile. With the new moon taking place in Taurus, we’re given the opportunity to set intentions around what we want to grow and flourish. What seeds are you ready to plant, and how will you nourish them to become strong, stable, and resilient?

We cannot speak of this new moon without speaking about two other astrological events happening almost concurrently. Uranus, the liberator, breaker of chains, revolutionary, rebellious, disruptor entered Taurus shortly after the new moon for the first time in 84 years! Yeah, this weirdo gas giant that spins on its side takes 84 years to travel the zodiac and he’s back in Taurus for another 7-8 year stint. With this ingress, the Taurus area of your life is lit up in ways it has never been before. I wrote a whole post about Uranus in Taurus that you should definitely check out for a comprehensive view on what’s to come. But, trust me, it’ll be pretty clear, if it’s not already, what your Uranus in Taurus story will be about over the next few weeks. The Taurus New Moon highlighting this area of the sky for us is like the DJ taking the mic to announce the main event of Uranus entering Taurus. The new moon emphasizes the powerful beginning energy. It really is time to start anew, and it’s going be a radically different type of new than what you’re used to.

And then there’s Mars. Uranus entered Taurus yesterday morning, and around midnight 12 hours later, Mars entered Aquarius for the first time in 2 years. Now you see, Taurus and Aquarius aren’t the most traditionally compatible signs. In fact, their relationship with each other on the zodiac wheel is described as a square, meaning they are 90 degrees apart. Think of 3:00 & 6:00 on a clock. The nature of the relationship is contentious and challenging. Both energies are fixed, meaning potent and unshakable. Mars, our warrior, challenger, the one who transforms through burning and separating, in Aquarius asks us to focus our energy toward our place in relationship to the groups we belong to. As he stands square (90 degrees) from Uranus in Taurus, he demands action. What is ready to be severed? What is ready to be cut loose? Are the groups you’re apart of serving you? What’s your mission? What’s your groups mission? Are they in alignment? What’s begging for change and transformation? What friendships are hindering your growth? Are you that friend, that member of the group that is causing contention? Are you the source of aggression? What needs to be burned away so that liberation can occur? You may not have a choice here, as the energy is sudden and unexpected, like a slap in the face (LOL within minutes of Mars entering Aquarius I accidentally punched myself in the face). Mars holds no punches, and neither does Uranus. Both have a quality of destabilization and destruction in the service of liberation and transformation. So really watch and listen for the tension, but I doubt you’ll have to go looking for it. Uranus asks us to switch shit up. Turn it on it’s side! Use it in a different way. Add new technology. Incorporate the internet. Make it more authentic. Mars urges us to burn something in order to make room for that.

So as the moon’s light grows, pay attention to what’s going on in your world. Set your intentions and make sure they come from the heart. And know that this energy is effecting ALL of us in one way or another. You’ll see it in the news, in your workplace, and in the people around you. Hold space when you can, and ask for help when you need it. We’re all in this together!


Uranus in Taurus 2018-2026


The Libra Full Moon / Week of April 1st