
Numerology with Rebecca Scolnick

Kirah is joined by Rebecca Scolnick, a multifaceted numerologist. They explore numerology, including life path numbers, public persona number, and more. Rebecca shared her journey with religion and how she found her way to her unique spirituality.

Rebecca (SMR: Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius) is an emotional witch, forever Seeker and queer human lady (she/her), who uses magic and storytelling to support unlearning work and inspire new meaning making. A jill-of-all-trades/wrestler-of-internalized-capitalism, she teaches and works 1-on-1 with the Tarot and Numerology and hosts a podcast on comparative philosophy called Discourse of the Stranger. She hopes to provide spiritual and practical support for those looking to reclaim freedom from all of the ways in which our patriarchal, evangelist, white supremacist culture has taught us to hate ourselves, not know ourselves, and keep ourselves small. Her first book on Numerology and Witchcraft will be published in the Fall of 2022.


IG: @beescolnick

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