The Decans


Mo & Pao join Kirah on the pod to talk about the Decans! Decans are divisions of the zodiac into 36 equal parts. The use of decans allows for a deepened understanding of the chart. We explore the relation to the signs, the type of essential dignity they hold, tarot associations, the angles, and more. Since we’re releasing this episode during Aries season, we take some extra time discussing the decans of Aries.

Keep scrolling for show notes and to learn more about episode guests Zamboni & Drew.




Pao Rodelas

Pao is an astrologer, Communications Director, and Community organizer. She co-hosts the Fixed Astrology Podcast with Mo. Her studies include natal astrology, solar returns, electional, and horary astrology. Her other interests include tarot, cats, art history, and powerlifting.

Find Pao at:
IG: @paostrology
Twitter: @paostrology

Mo Olufemi

Mo is US-born, Toronto-based traditional astrologer who specializes in Solar Returns and other Hellenistic or Medieval timing techniques. She is also versed in the combination of Tarot with Astrological Correspondences via the Golden Dawn traditions. In particular, she focuses on utilizing the lesser dignities such as triplicity, bounds, and decans to provide extra nuances when it comes to delineating charts.

Find Mo at:
Twitter: @austral_taur
Podcast Twitter: @FixedAstroPod



Venusian Afternoons 4.08-4.25

