The IC


The Pisces energy is strong in this episode as we are joined by Pallas & Taylor to talk all about the IC. This conversation explores the relationship our IC has with our sense of home, parents, privacy, our inner child and more.

Keep scrolling for show notes and to learn more about episode guests Zamboni & Drew.




Taylor Ursula

Taylor Ursula works with astrology, hypnosis, and tarot to approach integrating separate parts to unlock a freely moving whole. through radical tenderness, she empowers others to establish self-generating resources for old traumas and patterns. she creates magic candles around astrological transits, pours resin ritual tools, and is the creator of the upcoming tarot deck PORTALS.

Find Taylor at:
@thatssopisces on Twitter
@thatssopisces on Instagram

Pallas K. Augustine

Pallas K. Augustine is a writer, astrologer, educator, and consultant. Their practice is rooted in a relational approach that aims to deeply connect us with our non-human and non-living kin as well as to each other. By acknowledging and investing in ecological concerns, land relations, animist spiritualities, and ancestral healing, Pallas’ work goes beyond self-reflection and towards regeneration of intricate and nuanced interrelationship. Pallas has spoken at Fresh Voices in Astrology, the Portland School of Astrology, Novaa Network, and will be presenting at NORWAC 2022. Recently featured in WIRED magazine, Pallas is a contributing writer to CUSP astrology app. Their Patreon supports the writing of ‘The Astrology of Coming Home,’ a book-length work on their IC research.

Find Pallas at:
@nineofwands on Twitter & Instagram
@nineofwands on Patreon



Venusian Afternoons 3.25 - 4.08

