Capricorn Full Moon | 6.28.18


Here we are, beginning another ending. The Capricorn Full Moon last night marked a release of power. A letting go fueled by the need to realign the structures in your life. What is ready to be shed? Where is power shifting? As I woke in the middle of the night to the sound of booming thunder, crackling lighting, and rain pouring, I knew the time to release has come. And now the question is, how can we surrender gracefully? How can we surrender with heed? How can we let go with care? In the midst of a Mars Retrograde on the South Node (post about this coming soon), we must take extra care of our bodies and our nervous systems. There is a doubling up of heat amidst the pull between water (Sun in Cancer) and earth (Moon in Capricorn) polarities. Can an intense release help restore balance in our sense of safety and comfort? There are many questions posed at this lunation. It’s our last one before Eclipse Season begins, gearing us up for major change, deep transformation. What messages are you hearing at this time? Now is a time to be still and listen. Things are speeding up and slowing down at the same time. What may be seen as turbulence is a profound cleansing. Listen and allow. Let go in order to draw in.


Aquarius Lunar Eclipse


Gemini New Moon | 6.13.18