Gemini New Moon | 6.13.18


Today at 3:43p EST, The Sun and Moon meet for their monthly alignment, this time in the sign Gemini. This moon is all about communication, channeling, and connecting. This energy feels especially magical, and is ripe for setting soul centered intention around the themes mentioned above. It’s a special one. The first thing that stands out to me is where this alignment takes place on the zodiac belt. We astrologers measure where planets are in the sky by determining what degree they’re situated on within the 360 degree wheel of the zodiac. Each of the 12 signs takes up a 30 degree space on the wheel (12 x 30 = 360 degrees). This new moon takes place at 22 degrees and 44 minutes of Gemini! Master numbers! Double numbers! In the sign of the twins! How special is that? Gemini is a sign that rules multiples and messages, so I see this as a clear sign that this moon is especially magical. Intentions around multiplying something, or leveling up will be well served under this energy.

Gemini energy is mutable air, meaning the quality of the energy is moving, in flux, shifting, changing, and busy, and is focused on information and communication. There’s a duality with all mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) and with Gemini, it’s easily seen in the symbol of the twins. The twin energy is very much about giving and receiving, and the wholeness that results with that sacred exchange. Gemini energy is in constant communication with the world around it. It’s all about how we relate to the world on a surface, mental realm. Gemini is constantly taking in information, curiously learning and engaging. They just want to know. Wherever Gemini is in your chart is the area of your life where you’re busy, buzzing, and engaging with the world around you to learn, receive, intake, and learn more. It’s where you may feel split in two, where your inner duality clearly shows up. Since Gemini is about receiving information, they can be very clear channels for divine and spirit. Under this moon, messages are being sent to all of us, and it’s our job to curiously listen with non-judgement. What messages are coming through to you right now?

At this Gemini New Moon, it’s a beautiful time to set intentions around the way you communicate, learn from, and engage with the world around you. What do you want to double, triple, quadruple in your life? How do you communicate with yourself? What is your inner chatter like? How does your inner twin self balance with your external self? Can the two merge in sacred union? It’s a wonderful time to go deep within yourself to examine your relationship to your twin self and the way you speak to each other. Is it serving you? What patterns around speech and communication can you let go of to better serve your higher self? What mental or verbal messages are being repeated at this time? Have you noticed some patterning? Take a look at your chart to determine where in your life these questions are being asked, and what you should be setting intentions around.

As with any new moon, energy may be low, so take extra care of yourself. We’re wide open and in the dark at the same time, so self care is key. Sit with your thoughts as they come, and try not to judge. There’s a lot of magical insight coming through under this energy, and it will serve your mind, body, and spirit.


Capricorn Full Moon | 6.28.18


Uranus In Taurus Strology Scopes 2018-2026