Uranus In Taurus Strology Scopes 2018-2026


Uranus moving through Taurus affects us all on a collective level and individually. As above, so below. The energy moving through the sky mirrors what happens in the world around us, from our politics and culture, to the lives of the people around us, to our lives personally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Uranus is a change agent. He causes major disruptions, shake-ups, break-ups, and destruction in the name of liberation, revolution, and innovation. He loosens bonds, breaks chains, provides freedom through disruption. In Taurus, he’s working on our attachments to material things, money, assets, and our survival needs. It’s about what we value and why, how that reflects how we value ourselves. We all have Taurus energy in our lives, and looking at our birth charts, we can determine where in our lives the energy plays out. If there are planets in Taurus, they are awakened by Uranus entering the sign.

When you read these horoscopes make sure to read for both your Rising Sign & your Sun Sign. Reading the horoscopes for your Rising Sign will put the energies exactly where they are in your chart, as opposed to reading for your Sun sign which will be more general and overarching themes. Keep in mind that this transit began May 15th 2018 and will go until 2026! Uranus will leave Taurus when it retrogrades into Aries for a few months from November to March 2019, but will re-enter to stay for 7 years in 2019. I say this to remember that this is a process!

With Uranus, experimentation is key, and most importantly, dive into the wave. You’re dealing with chaos and instability with this energy, and trying to hold onto it and control it WILL NOT WORK. The idea is to work with the cray, and try to stay centered during it. There will 100% be times that you won’t be able to, and that’s totally ok. This is how we learn. So let go of your attachments and flow! See your Strology Scopes below! 

Aries Rising :: Aries Sun

2nd House - Money, income, values, Self esteem, resources, purchases.

Since 2011, your life has been turned upside down and shaken up in many ways. Revolutionary & change-maker Uranus traveling through your first house of self (for Aries risings) &/or your Sun, brought you freedom that you didn’t know was possible to attain. It came unexpectedly and sometimes perhaps violently. And so I’m sure you feel this shift, as Uranus left Aries in May 15th. The next 8 years, you’re learning a lot about value. Your money, income, resources, things you own, ways of making money, are going to be innovated, liberated and revolutionized. You’ll be called to question your values. What are you values and why? What’s your money story, where did it begin? How was money and wealth discussed in your household? Maybe it wasn’t discussed at all. How does the way your parents related to income and wealth effect the way you’re working with it now? Are you financially dependent, independent, or somewhere in between? Your answer may change a few times during this transit. Uranus brings sudden and unexpected changes, so expect some ups and downs with your finances or your sources of income. This is always in the name of freedom and liberation, so that you raise the vibration of your money and values. The key learning from this transit is the upgrades you’ll experience in your own self worth. At the end of this transit you’ll have a very clear view on your values, and therefore how you value yourself. You’re learning how to get into the flow of abundance.

Taurus Rising :: Taurus Sun

1st House - Self, body, identity, life, health, vitality

Beautiful Taurus, I’m sure you already feel the beginnings of your world shifting, perhaps unexpectedly for some, but many of you have felt this stirring for a few months now. When Uranus entered Taurus on May 15th, it marked the beginning of a new cycle around your identity, body, health, vitality, and life in general. Deemed The Great Awakener, Uranus brings about unexpected change, disruption, freedom, and revolution to wherever it touches. If you’re a Taurus Sun or have a Taurus Moon, or other planets in Taurus, you’ll definitely feel this over the next 8 years. Your whole world is changing, and you have nothing to fear! Uranus is an influence that breaks things apart in order to open us up for more light to enter. It liberates, brings freedom, and quantum leaps in evolution. What exactly will happen over the next 8 years? No one can say, as Uranus is unassuming and unexpected until it hits. So all you can expect is the unexpected, but know whatever happens is for your highest and best, and is meant to bring more freedom and expression into your life.  Lean into the change, and watch your life expand and grow in ways you never imagined. I’m looking forward to seeing how this transit effects you all over the next 8 years. Keep me posted!

Gemini Rising :: Gemini Sun

12th House - Subconscious, undoing, mental health, secrets, unseen, connection with source

Gem, your 2018 motto should be “i’m doin ME”. This is a time of major internal work. This isn't to say that you won't be your normal, curious, fun Gemini self, but you’re undergoing major changes in your inner life over the next few years. Uranus entering your 12th house is lighting up your subconscious realm. There's the powerful messages coming to you through your dreams and subconscious self. Don't expect to feel this influence in your everyday, this is a subtle influence that lasts over the next 8 years. You'll be receiving unexpected  manifestations of your unconscious throughout this time. The 12th house is the place of all things unseen. It's the place where everything your conscious self can't deal with goes and develops into your subconscious. With Uranus, the planet of breaking bonds, liberation, and revolution moving through this area of your chart, you may have an experience of becoming “undone” in ways. This could manifest as an intense anxiety at times. Your subconscious will come through to reveal itself to you in ways you cannot expect. Please, never forget that this energy is to reveal and make peace with your shadow energy. You realize over the next few years, that you are your shadow, and you dance together. You'll learn a lot more about how your body and mind work during this transit. You may become familiar with institutions such as hospitals and prisons - the subconscious elements of our society, ones that we don't fully acknowledge. The purpose of this transit is to advance and upgrade your subconscious, so that your ready for the revolutionary transit of Uranus in Gemini that marks the 2nd half of the 2020s, into the 2030s. Understand this transit is sacred and necessary for you at this time. Take time for yourself as needed and never feel guilty about it. Your wealth is in your health, and that includes mental, emotional, and spiritual health just as much as the physical. Take care Gems!

Cancer Rising :: Cancer Sun

11th House - Groups, organizations, hopes & dreams, future planning, friends, networks, internet

While you're expanding in your love and creative life, you’re being revolutionized through the groups and organizations you belong to, as well as the money from the organization you own or work for, and the greater concept of your hopes & dreams. For the last 8 years, Uranus has been in traveling through your 10th house of career, vocation, and public status. You’ve underwent radical changes in career and the way you interact with the public. This transit has likely brought about a fundamental change in the way you perceive success and how you’d like to be remembered in this lifetime. Now, with Uranus moving on to your 11th house, your focus shifts to ways to radicalize and revolutionize your hopes and dreams for your life beyond career. There's a lot of magic in groups, environments where you're one of many. Find your tribe, groups of like minded individuals. You'll surely meet a lot of new eccentric friends during this time. Let this newness revolutionize the way you view yourself as a part of a whole. Remember that Uranus is a disruptive influence, so as you’re being revolutionized through your groups, there’s also major distributions and upheavals taking place with your established friend groups over the next 8 years. Know that all that dissipates is to make room for what’s highest and best to come through. This is also a time where manifestations of your hopes and dreams can become a reality. Keep dreaming, and dream big! The people around you are major here, so keep your heart open to bringing in abundance through your groups.

Leo Rising :: Leo Sun

10th House - Vocation, calling, career, reputation, public eye, social media persona

Leo, your place in this world is what’s being revolutionized over the next 8 years. Some of you are looking for a career pivot, a major change in status, or a new way of being seen professionally. Some of you might not know how much you need this, but will be met with unexpected changes in your career over the next 8 years. Either way, Uranus is gifting you that change. The sky god, revolutionary, the Great Awakener, entered your 10th house of career, vocation, soul work, reputation, and social media persona on May 15th to begin a new chapter for you. Over the next 8 years, you’ll undergo a series of changes, upheavals, pivots and turns as you work with the universe to realize your soul work, what you came here to be remembered for. Uranus brings innovation, technology, the internet, futurism to this area of your life, and in 8 years will leave you in a place you had no idea you could end up in. The best approach to this transit is to lean into the change, lean into flux and chaos, allow change to take place, recognizing it’s all for what’s highest and best.

Virgo Rising :: Virgo Sun

9th House - Travel, mind expansion, higher education, teaching, publishing, different cultures, religion

Virgo, over the next 8 years you will be undergoing a revolution in your belief systems and higher mind! It’s an exciting time but can also seem terrifying at times, as this comes with radical changes in your life philosophy over the course of the next 8 years. Situations will occur that will call your current beliefs into question. What have you been taught to believe by your parents, school, society, and what do you actually believe to be true in your life, in your heart? Get ready for some mind expansion. This could come about in a variety of ways (Uranus acts unexpectedly, remember?) which can include travel to far away places or encountering people of different cultures. You could be placed into a situation where you experience intense culture shock. Why? To expand your mind. To force you into learning in ways you never have before. To give you new methods of viewing the world around you, and with those experiences, you come to realizations you would never have had before. The “why’s” of life become more evident. Another way your mind may be altered is through mind-altering drugs. Have you experimented before? This could become part of your Uranus journey. With Taurus in this part of your sky, you’re not one to change your belief systems, so this could come as a rude awakening to some. Keep in your heart that this is all happening in the name of expansion, letting go what beliefs are no longer serving you to make room for growth beyond your wildest dreams! Athiest Virgo risings could turn into true believers of spirituality. Religious Virgo risings could find themselves shifting their beliefs dramatically. I’m curious to see how this will play out for you all! Keep me posted!

Libra Rising :: Libra Sun

8th House - Partner’s income, debt, taxes, loans, occult, sexuality, sexual wounding, parent’s fears, intimacy, vulnerability

Libra, the last 8 years were filled with dramatic changes in your relationships. People came and left your sphere way more often than is comfortable for you, but you also made incredible connections with people you would have never imagined connecting with. You might have changed the way you do relationship with partners or close friends. Hopefully that included boundary setting and radical self-care to balance out the dramatic imbalances happening in relationships. The focus now shifts to your 8th house, where relationship focus continues but this time in the name of merging. Uranus is revolutionizing your intimacy and vulnerability in relationship, as well as your relationship to money on a grand scale. Let’s break this down. The 8th house is a dark, deeply intimate space where you go to feel, usually away from the rest of the world. It’s where you and your partner merge, sexually and monetarily. The 7th house represents marriage, and the 8th represents the merging that is involved after marriage that includes sex (consumation) and finances & assets. The 8th house is also what is unseen or not traditionally talked about much in society including abuse, issues around sexuality, trauma, the occult, and the processes surroundinf death. With Uranus moving through this area of your life, you’ll find yourself wanting to experiment and innovate the way you relate to your intimacy and sex life, how you work with financial dealings like loans, debt, inheritances, taxes, and the stock market, and perhaps your relationship to other “unseen” topics like abuse, sexuality, and the occult. This is a huge experimentation time for you over the next 8 years to really dig into this house and add some electricity. You’re changing the way you relate to these topics that society deems “too much” to talk about. What’s your relationship to the occult arts? Perhaps you undergo a study of your ancestry to see what types of practices are in your bloodline. Do you have unexplored trauma or abuse? Although painful and difficult to do, you’ll find it’s time to begin to shed light on those shadows. Interested in innovating your sex life? Perhaps new partners enter your life that push you to explore different techniques you’ve never even heard of. Interested in investing? Crypto might be calling you. It’s an exciting time for you Libra, although it may seem scary and uncomfortable at times. You’re getting the opportunity to turn lights on in a dark place. Maybe they’re cool neon lights, maybe they’re candles, maybe it’s lasers! That’s up to you to decide.

Scorpio Rising :: Scorpio Sun

7th House - Partnerships, relationships, inner circle, the public, legal matters, lawyers

For the last 8 years, you’ve undergone radical change in your work, daily routine, and health. Many of you have had unexpected illness, abrupt changes in the workplace, and perhaps you’re working with a new way of giving service to the world altogether. Now that you’ve undergone an intense soul cleansing, you’ve become more humble and grounded in your body than ever before. This radical cleansing took place to make space in your life and to wash away delusions of the ego in order to see yourself clearly reflected in another. Yes, Scorpio, it’s time to have your world rocked by some cool and crazy people! Revolutionary change-maker Uranus is now traveling through your 7th house of close relationships & partnerships. Expect unexpected shifts and changes in your current circle of close friends and relationships as Uranus moves through this part of your chart over the next 8 years. Like an earthquake, Uranus comes and shakes and breaks anything with unstable foundation, releasing all that no longer serves. I recently heard a saying - “you have friends for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.” Uranus will be showing you all three types of relationships during this time. You’ll also be blessed with Uranian types entering your life - revolutionaries, radicals, rebels, scientists, queer folk, activists, eccentrics, and all other types of people who don’t follow traditional social norms. Again, the people close to you are mirrors of yourself. Like attracts like. Question what the people in your life are teaching you about yourself.

Sagittarius Rising :: Sagittarius Sun

6th House - Health, wellness, daily routine, rituals, work, work environment

Sagittarius, you’re finally feeling like you’re coming out from under that huge rock, the heavy weight that you’ve felt over the last 3 years is finally lifting. Give it a few more months, trust me 2019 will feel a million times better than 2016 & 2017. This year, you’re internal, but not unhappy. The focus is on your mental and physical health, building balance and strength, preparing for an exciting new cycle that starts later this year when your ruling planet, Jupiter, re-enters your sign for the first time in 12 years. But, another exciting cycle just began for you, concerning your health, wellness, daily routine & rituals, work & service. This includes your workplace and often people you work with, as well as your general physical wellness. Uranus moving through this part of your chart will bring disruption, instability, and unexpected changes, however this serves to liberate and revolutionize this part of your life. What are your rituals? How grounded are you in the physical world? How do you feel in your body? Are you in touch with the ways your body communicates with you? These are the questions you’ll be facing over the next 8 years. Upgrade your wellness to bring in all of that abundance you’re so adept at cultivating!!

Capricorn Rising :: Capricorn Sun

5th House - Creativity, self expression, joy, artistic expression, romance, sex, children

Beautiful Capricorn, you are in your power! The next few years are incredibly exciting for you as you’re being activated from many different directions. While your ruling planet, Saturn, travels through Capricorn over the next few years you’re being challenged to come into your strength and power full force. This is your time! Uranus traveling through your 4th house over the last 8 years gave you a totally unstable and shaky foundation. You may have encountered unexpected changes in resistance, with your home, family, and parents. Nothing seemed constant for too long. Hopefully by now you’re feeling like this area of your life has settled a bit, is less unpredictable, and more importantly, your foundation feels more free, liberated. Now the change comes to your creativity, self expression, romantic and sex life, and children. Uranus brings unexpected change to the area of life it encounters. You could encounter unexpected opportunities to create. You’ll be taking lots of risks in love and creativity, and you already feel this energy buzzing within you. It’s an exciting time for you Cap! Are you looking to enliven your sex life? Are you looking to upgrade your art or work? Uranus going through this part of your chart for the next 8 years is giving you a period of trial and error, and vast experimentation around these themes. Don’t fall for the quickening, know you have time to explore. And I can’t not note that the 5th house is the house of children, so I expect a lot of Capricorn’s & Capricorn risings to have some unexpected pregnancies during this time! But to all of you, keep in mind that Uranus shakes things up to liberate us, to facilitate freedom through change. With it going through your 5th house, you’re being asked to shake something in order to live life with more joy!

Aquarius Rising :: Aquarius Sun

4th House - Home, family, roots, dna, ancestors, real estate, foundation, inner world, parents

Aquarius, be ready to have your world rocked, although I’m sure you’re already feeling a lot lately. Uranus, the planet of revolution, innovation, and liberation, is also the planet of unexpected pivots and changes, breakdowns and breakthroughs, is moving through your 4th house of home, foundation, family, and roots. Uranus is your modern ruling planet, and so you’re really feeling this shift. With change-maker Uranus entering your home, your roots get rocked, your foundation becomes shaken, and your internal world encounters disruption. Expect the unexpected over the next 8 years in your home life, with family and parents, and your physical home. You could move or be forced to relocate, you could have unexpected additions to your family, as well as unexpected departures. You could discover something about your family, roots, or ancestry that you never knew before. Understand, throughout this transit, that Uranus shakes, breaks, and destroys in order to allow in new light. It is the liberator, breaker of chains. Whatever happens is for your highest and best, so that you can break free of what confines you in this area of life. When your foundation is rattled, the other areas of life can begin to implode as well. You must keep your mind on the bigger picture of what the universe is showing you through the disruption. Liberation is coming.

Pisces Rising :: Pisces Sun

3rd House - Learning, writing, teaching, siblings, cousins, travel (short distance), neighbors & neighborhood, documents

Darling Pisces, Uranus was moving through your 2nd house of money, income, and things of value for the past 8 years! What a transit this was, as we moved through unexpected changes in how we make money, the amount of wealth we bring in, and more importantly, our own self worth and value. We worked with our relationship to value and worth, and are coming out the other side more confident and stable. Now, the shift turns to the 3rd house of communication, writing, neighbors, siblings, cousins, and short distance travel. Look forward to being busy! Uranus comes to revolutionize and innovate this area of your life, and you may already feel the buzz. What patterns around communication and writing are needing to be rewritten or changed altogether? What are some of the stories you’ve told yourself about the way you speak and communicate with others? Are there skills you’ve been keen on learning for a long time? How do you view your neighborhood and community? Are there new ways you can become involved? There are so many questions coming your way, Pisces, and you’ll be doing a lot of busy work experimenting with answers and solutions. It’s an amazing time to work on new projects, learn new skills, and get out into your community. Enjoy this period of exploration, Pisces! You’ll end this transit with greater knowledge and innovative new skills. Get creative!


Gemini New Moon | 6.13.18


Uranus in Taurus 2018-2026